Facebook Status can be now embedded and hyper linked with image and also u can tag anyone That too by any name....
How to Use:
1.Copy paste the following script in ur address bar.
eed.php?api_key=215440675165430&callback=http://facebook.com/&cancel=http://www.facebook.com&attachment={'media':[{'type':'image','src':'hxxp:https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhuhe2jHcVpO6uID4IBwIX3neUn6dX8TTsiynUEj_X504ya147mV9tfyuN1k3kFWS_XK7DZOT1xbtdsyGyHdu0UoSvi5XYV0koWRQJSQ4PNmVHUlRYAlkrrqpn7jTiWXaNSBHU5xfCLmkKb/s1600/facebook-like-buton.png','href':'http://blog.akashkumar.in/'}]}&message=@[PROFILE ID:0:Liked ?]
2. Replace xx by tt.
and , by .
3.Replace the green link by Image link.
4. Replace Red part by Profile ID.
5. Replace blue part by Any Namu u want hyperlinked as TAG.
6. Press 'Enter'
7. Done.
Yes, i wanted to to have the Facebook Status to be embedded and hyper linked with image.. I am gonna implement this at right now.. I appreciate for sharing this information. Hope you update any new releases. Thanks!
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